The 21st century is an information era. It comes with a backlog of distractions and a lack of willingness for pupils to learn from the conventional classroom setting.
Therefore the challenge of becoming an effective educator is more on how to prepare the pupils for learning than learning itself. To be an effective educator, one needs to pay close attention to the shift in learning objectives in this 21st century.

 In the world of today, students are expected to gain mastery over a new set of skills such as problem-solving, digital literacy, and critical thinking. They should know how to communicate, collaborate, and present their ideas to navigate through various challenges in advanced life. Educationists also need to make use of effective and advanced teaching strategies to incorporate such skills in the students.

 Here are some of the most innovative teaching methods you can use to groom better and more skilled humans for the future world: 

 1) Ability to teach learners of different world views.

21st-century educators should be able to reach out and impart education to learners of all groups. They can categorize the learning material in a way that students of all groups can grasp everything that is being taught by the educator, according to their respective set of unique abilities, readiness, or style levels. Some of the questions you may ask yourself while preparing your lessons are: -

Do my students know something about the topic? -How can I introduce the topic, and retain students' attention? -How can I make my students curious about the topic, and what help or tools will they need for it? Is the classroom activity I have planned appropriately for the age group I am targeting? You may also like to read what works and what doesn't work with different age groups. 

 2) Incorporate technology in studies.

 Some of the most progressive schools in the world are adopting Virtual Reality to engage their students in classrooms better. Curriculum-aligned Augmented Reality educational content allows students to view and interact with 3D models (which can include planets, machines, historical artifacts, and even a beating heart).

 Mixed Reality content is out too. It blends virtual objects with real-world views and allows students to physically move around them. Many education technologies allow teachers to do more with fewer resources. Mobile apps and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can be used to share educational videos, assignments, and assessments, and maintain dynamic communication with students and their parents. 

They allow teachers to grade the tests and assignments online too. Students who need help with their homework can seek instant assignment help from the subject experts around the world online, or seek assistance from them in understanding the topics that they find challenging. 

 3) Foster the relationship with the students.

 Today, the number of likes on their Instagram and Facebook posts matters much to students. Educators can use these platforms to nurture the relationship with the students and foster a sense of community in them. You can build online communities where students can support each other. 

Virtual reading circles can be set up for students who have busy lives and do not have much time to spare. As a teacher, you may also tell your students about netiquettes, dealing with flaming and cyberbullying, and other things that one should keep in mind while engaging in online communication.

 4) Prepare your students for a rapid change of technology.

 An educator in the 21st century should be able to anticipate and make plans for the future. He or she should be able to push the students towards the right direction in the technological world. He or she should be able to prepare the students for the unpredictable situations in life with the involvement of technology. You may discuss how life-long learning will be a way forward in the future world. 

Active learning, project-based education, interdisciplinary learning, learning through inquiry, and honing the thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills are all imperative for the holistic development of students. We can't teach our students for tomorrow in the schools that existed yesterday. Big data and cloud have arrived big-time. Educators should explore the high-tech and high-touch landscape and pull up the kids with them. 

 5) How to teach the ability to embrace change.

 Observation is a big part of making sense of the whirring spin of life on a massive scale. Educators can discuss how important it is to take responsibility for one's learning and one's life. You can teach the learners to be ready to change and seek out new perspectives, possibilities, and opportunities. ally interact with the 3D models Zen practitioners have long cultivated the practice of 'not knowing,' which makes one ready to learn afresh. You can encourage them to try new things, and re-invent themselves with time. 


 Education is not restricted by age, gender, or distance. It has become more accessible and affordable. Teachers and educators now have the technology and resources to deal with the mundane tasks of teaching and focus on nurturing their students better. 

They can use the latest data analysis techniques to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student in their class and tweak the study curriculum to incorporate their experiences and reality in education. It is the time that we as educators embrace change and pass on the flame to our next generation.