Severally we find ourselves in an overwhelming situation. The pressure to join the popular group becomes higher even when we know that they are wrong and what they stand for is not correct.
 The honest question will be, what can I do? The popular saying that if you cannot beat them, join them comes to play for many. 

But the good news is that you have more opinions than you are aware of! The option you flow with is the reflection of knowledge and your mindset.

 Let’s look at what you should do when you are confronted with tough situations.

 1. Pause to think. No matter the shortness of the thinking window available. Take it. This will bring in touch to the reality of the situation at hand and give you the knowledge of your options.

 2. When you have prayerfully chosen your options to own your decision and be willing to go through with it irrespective of the consequences. If you can’t beat them, then join them philosophy will put you in an automatic model of action-reaction and thereby limit your options. 

 Through closer look, you will discover that you have at least three options when you are faced with any situation.

 a. To join them: that will make you become conformity to the popular norm. This will in turn make you lose your identity, voice, relevance, and most importantly the backing of the God who is true and Almighty.

 b. To stay alone say and do nothing: These second options appear safe and many people go for it. The danger of it is that it makes you become a hypocrite.

 You are likely to have the fiercest war from within. That is, the voice of your conscience will call out to you to say or do something. But if you ignore it, it may result in dead conscience called a reprobate mind. It also denies you the support of God’s power. 

This limiting position cheats you the privilege of showing the light and your quality as the salt of the world. This put you in the position of Cowdery. Remember the saying, coward dies many times before their death. You also stand the risk of fading away with time.

 c. To stand up and speak out for the truth: This is the best option and path to take when you are confronted with the question of if I can’t beat them, what should I do? This is the path of hero/heroine. It may come with immediate pain but the profit that comes with this option will outlive you.

 This path is only possible if you prioritize truth, your conviction, your faith above acceptance, fame, and even your life. 

 This path has made Leah Sharibu go down in the history of mankind as a heroine and source of inspiration to many both young and old alike. She chooses to hold on to her faith even to the detriment of her life. Yes, lose the chance of being reunited with her lovely family because of this decision.

 But her memory will forever be in the heart of millions of individuals all across the globe as a person that did not give up her faith because of fear of death or captivity. 

 In biblical history names of three (3) Hebrews boys Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were captured for their audacious faith. They choose to stand up and speak out against the idolatry nation of Babylon.

 Although they were saved by God in the nick of time. But they were also ready to let go of their lives just to uphold their conviction and faith in God of heaven. 

 When you stand up and speak out for what is right contrary to popular options, you are connecting to the highest power of God. this power may come through for you immediately which many of us will like or it may delay or seemly not to your favor.

 But out thing is always true, when you stand up or speak out for the truth of God you will become a standard for others and reference points for others for a very long time.