What Is Mentoring?
Good mentors are the people who cross our paths at crucial moments, moments when we are ready to learn from their wisdom and experience.
A good mentor – someone who possesses the knowledge, experience, and the ability to explain both to novices in her field - is only a small part of good mentoring.
Mentoring is a process of sharing information and experience related to your hopes, dreams, and talents. A mentor can only tell you what has worked for him/her; you have to decide how that applies to you. This is to help you to avoid their mistakes, learn from their experiences and possibly be better than them in life.
Mentoring involves an ongoing intellectual engagement between two individuals.
In addition to contributing to one’s academic and professional growth, the relationship can develop into one of mutual care and respect.
# Excellence Alternative Mentorship platform will provide you with career experiences from people who are willing to share their knowledge; support you through emotional, moral encouragement, and financially where necessary.
Our mentors will give you opportunities to talk with professionals and personalities that you may want to be like.
Mentors support you throughout all aspects of your life; careers and beyond. Indeed. This multiple mentors arrangement will benefit you immensely because each of them will influence you in their unique way.
Why is Mentoring Important?
Mentors will help you to me navigate the many hurdles on the way to the degree, they will also give you sound professional advice, job preparation, and suggested strategies for balancing studies and life issues.
Without guidance and support, we believe your progress would have been much slower, more difficult, or impossible.
Being a mentee is one of the most important roles you will have in life. We encourage you to dedicate yourself to fostering a strong mentoring relationship through this platform.
We encourage you to follow our weekly publications, attend our monthly meeting with the mentor of the month, and work toward becoming a member of our Ambassadors club so that you can enjoy other numerous benefits such as:
a. Access to membership book library
b. Talent Hunt
c. Talents Refine
d. Talent Enhancement
e. Vocational Training Sponsorship
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