Parenting is the most rewarding, yet demanding and awesome responsibility of our lives. 

 Children are assets not liabilities. They represent God's blessings not a burden. God designed the family unit to help cultivate and nurture the next generation of leaders, to provide guidance and discernment and to instill love and spiritual truths in our children. 

 To provide for our children's physical needs can be a real challenge, but we all know that providing for their spiritual and moral development is even more difficult in this time and age. 

 Do everything possible to strengthen our family ties. This starts by making out time to do things together as family. 

 Activities like regular holding of hands while praying, family dinner, daily feedback, genuine care and concern for individual family members will enhance the strength of the family ties. 

 Pursue the path of peace through open communication and dialouge. Also be willing to sacrifice your right temporarily if it threatens the greater good of happy family.

 Say No to unhealthy competition in your home. Let's collaborate and seek to complete our spouses and children.

 Sibling rivery will be reduced to the bearest minimium if we don't show favoritism among our children. When we work as team we become like a bunch of broom that can sweep away any form of vices from the live of our children. 

 #groomingadoinggeneration ©Paul Olayiwola Akanni (Teen Life Coach) @mindscopeconsultancy